Monday, September 30, 2019

Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures of own setting Essay

If a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in our setting we would follow the following guidance, policies and procedures: Listen to the child and take whatever he/she is saying seriously as the child will only disclose such information to somebody they feel they can trust. Offer support without judging or criticizing anything they are saying, try not to display shock or disbelief. Try to clarify information without over questioning or asking direct questions, writing down word for word what the child discloses, asking the child to draw or write (if appropriate) in a quiet, comfortable environment. Do not criticize the perpetrator as the child may still love this person. Be honest about your responsibilities and try to explain what happens next. Explain your responsibilities about confidentiality, and do not promise confidentiality. Wherever possible, consult with your manager or nominated safeguarding person. Make sure that there are no delays in protecting the child. Within the principle of keeping the child safe, do not do anything that may aggravate the situation or cause further harm or distress to the child. Record relevant information including dates and times in out incident record book along with drawings of the child’s injuries that we have witnessed (if relevant). My line manager who is also the safeguarding officer would then report immediately to social services who would then hopefully take the matter further, whether that is contacting the police, health visitor or/and the child’s family. We would give evidence if needed, attend any core meeting and follow up to make sure the child was getting the safety that he/she deserves even if this means continuing to pursue our concerns via the health visitor, social services etc.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Raw- Power

It could be from being born into families with royalty or wealth, or having the ability to influence or control the behavior of a person. Power is a fundamental theme throughout the novel â€Å"Raw† as It Is outlined in the novel by quoting â€Å"Concentration camps† and â€Å"Gun-toting guards†. Through this, It Is evident that Brett equates power with these Images but by the end of the novel, he learns that power is not merely vested Institutions but may come from within.The theme of power is first introduced In the story when the author uses symbolism. From the quote â€Å"the red and blue lights of a police car†, we witness the tension between the individual and the powerful authorities. The theme of power Is also highlighted In the novel when the police do not call young offenders Like Brett by their own name. â€Å"This one†, â€Å"Pigs†, â€Å"No hoppers†, â€Å"The prisoner† are Indeed language used by both authorities a nd offenders, Indicates much about attitude and deserve close attention.The police are spoken In derogative terms and the police also do the same. Names do matter but in the novel, we see that the individuals are reduced to types. By not using names, the individual is more demoralized and a more powerful stance may be achieved. Although it seems like all power comes from the authority, Tyson and the others also offer another source of power. This can be seen when Brett quotes â€Å"l don't think this is working†. Through this, it is evident that Tyson provides illegitimate power in that they are powerful through sheer force and aggression.Their presence seems to suggest to Brett that reform institutions so not work. Monk also tries to offer a more realistic image of the institution. â€Å"Even in here he couldn't escape†, demonstrates that the drug dealing continues. While there may be flaws in the system, individuals such as Sam are genuine in their efforts to provide a second chance for offenders who have previously been in trouble with society. Monk also offers a real setting which does fail for some individuals such as Tyson. This makes Beret's possible bright future all the more a victory.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Job Satisfaction, Work Attitude Essay

As stated by Black (2001), teachers’ stress is rising due to such factors as greater time constraints, low salaries, excessive work overloads, lack of involvement in decision – making and problems with school disciplines. Teachers suffer, due to in part of to the low-pay-high-cost-of-living gap. Decisions handed from the top down leave teachers feeling like more trainers than educators. Teaching in low performing schools should be a rewarding experience, yet these schools are labelled failures. These are confounded as some educators are seen publicly lambasting others. The education community is on edge. With all the finger pointing and name calling, it is a wonder teacher can push this negativism out of their minds while they turn their full attention on their students (Nichols, 2006). Furthermore, a nationwide survey conducted by the Rural Editorial Service of the University of Chicago reported in July 2006 that job satisfaction depends also such factors as the community’s attitude toward them and the schools, the quality of educational leadership, the amount of responsibility granted to teachers, adequate housing facilities, teacher welfare benefits, and others. In point of fact, there were signal improvements in teachers’ conditions of service throughout the year. New or liberalized retirement plans were authorized by well over half the states, and class registrations were reduced to thirty in Maryland and Arkansas. In the Philippines, one of the major problems in the Department of Education is the shortage of trained and competent teachers. Major reason of this shortfall is that a number of trained teachers turn to other types of employment and some went abroad for greater employment opportunity. Generally, as observed that some teachers are disillusioned, demoralized and confused at being forced to carry out unpopular Government policies, while being constantly blamed for the society’s ills. Some factors might have created dissatisfaction amongst teachers will probably include references to discipline problems created by unruly pupils, class sizes, the introduction of the National Curriculum, and lowered professional status. Additional factors also include level of salaries and benefits, increased work-related pressures, like having too many forms to be filled up, the here and now changes of different proposed programs of the department, the concern over employment security like the most recently problem on the Government Security Insurance System (GSIS) and lessening support for education on the part of political opportunities. As someone who has spent many years working as a schoolteacher at the same time a School In – charge in one of the schools in Davao City, and had continually work closely with teachers especially in the schools in the interland. I have observe that some teachers are somewhat fed up with having to teach children in even larger classes, working in schools which are dilapidated, underfunded and overstretched. Taking in to account that most of these teachers are working away from their home and family and could only go home weekly, or the least once a month due to the distance of the schools they are assigned. However, districts located in the hinterland such as Paquibato, had most number of teacher applicants every year. Reason of this scenario could be the fact that many teachers are applying for transfer to the nearby schools after a one or two years of service and that applicant could be hired easily. Nevertheless, some teachers had tenured in this district up to their retirement period and some had flourished and raised their professional status and positions. The ground for conducting this study is that it is intended to shed light on what influences how teachers feel about their work and profession so that positive job-related attitudes may be cultivated. Theoretical Background The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. It is founded in the premise that goals or needs underpin by being the fundamental source of all desires. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on (Evan,2010). According to Hackman & Oldham (2007), Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organizational goals. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. However, Path-Goal Theory contends that the leader must motivate subordinates by: (1) emphasizing the relationship between the subordinates’ own needs and the organizational goals; (2) clarifying and facilitating the path subordinates must take to fulfill their own needs as well as the organization’s needs (google. com,2010) Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory (Jackson April 2007). Accordingly, it is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Moreover, a significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over herhis own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction (Wikipedia,2010). Evans (2001), gives eight stages progression for a teacher moving from a modest level of job satisfaction towards a higher level of job satisfaction towards which is helpful. These are the following: first is being aware that there is a problem. Being aware that there is an issue, and agreeing what issue is, is by far the most important aspect of seeking to change a situation. Then devising a strategy. Once they know what the issue is that they are addressing they can start work on devising a strategy to solve it. It is followed by effecting the new strategy. It means that once they have decided what to do, they have to start work on implementing this strategy. Fourth stage is awareness of having made changes work. This implies that there is excellent communication in school. Next stage is perception that this is all worthwhile. By this stage everyone needs to start feeling better about the work being undertaken. Then sixth stage is each teacher needs to feel good about his or her own contribution to the scheme of change. In this way, teachers become not only positive about the change programme, but they also see their contribution as being significant. Seventh is a sense of achievement. This comes from the feeling of a job well done. Lastly is job fulfilment and job comfort. By this stage teachers feel good about themselves and about the job and most important about their ability to affect their meaningful way. However, according to Weis, (2010) job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which affect an individual’s experience of work, or their quality of working life. Job satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general well-being, stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, and working conditions. Stress as defined by Hans Selye, is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. It is not nervous tension, but the wear and tear of life. Stress describes the effects of the body’s reaction to pressure. The source of stress, called stressor, may be purely physical, social, or psychological. The mind may interpret it as pleasant or unpleasant. Whatever meaning it gives, the mind sends it via two pathways. One pathway, is known as the subconscious appraisal pathway, is responsible for the physical and emotional reflexes of the body. The other pathway, responsible for voluntary actions, is used for perception, evaluation, and decision – making. In this other pathway, the individual is made aware of the environmental demands. As he perceives his situation, he interprets it according to his previous experiences, value system, self-concept, ego-strengths, attitudes and feelings. Emotions are usually aroused which in turn give color to the person’s interpretation (Fabella, 2008). According to Good Health Handbook, life and stress are interwoven with each other. It depends on how you view life and how stress affects you. Stress is a highly individual phenomenon. It is strange in its own way – because when it occurs it becomes difficult for the body and mind to adjust to the pattern of life. However, Fabella stated in his book, that stress can be minimized and channelled for growth and development, and life can be filled with joy, peace, love and security. He added accordingly, that stress- resilient people have been observed to have a specific set of attitudes toward life- an openness to change, a feeling of involvement in whatever they are doing, and a sense of control over events. He further said that man who places his entire self in the sphere of work neglecting love (family) and play (sports, hobbies, socializing, friendships) decreases his overall adaptability. If he defines his existence in terms of achievement in his work, he will find that if for external reasons (i,e. , poor health) or boredom ( loss of interest or loss of faith in his employer) his work loses meaning, then so will his life. He will become demoralized, confused, and unable to function. Mayo Clinic stated that there is a link between work approach and job satisfaction. Work is often approached from three perspectives. Usually all three perspectives are important for job satisfaction, but one is often the priority: First is, It’s a job. If you approach work as a job, you focus primarily on the financial rewards. In fact, the nature of the work may hold little interest for you. What’s important is the money. If a job with more pay comes your way, you’ll likely move on. Next is, It’s a career. If you approach work as a career, you’re interested in advancement. You want to climb the career ladder as far as possible or be among the most highly regarded professionals in your field. You’re motivated by the status, prestige and power that come with the job. The third is, It’s a calling. If you approach your job as a calling, you focus on the work itself. You work less for the financial gain or career advancement than for the fulfillment the work brings. One approach isn’t necessarily better than the others. But it is helpful to reflect on why work if unsatisfied with the job and are ready to move on. Think about what originally drew on the current job, and whether it may be a factor in lack of job satisfaction. Additionally, the Clinic noted several ways to increase job satisfaction depending on the underlying cause of the lack of job satisfaction. One is by Improving job skills. Keeping abreast to the new strategies and techniques, and by attending seminars. Developing a new project also helps. Working on something one care about can boost confidence. Mentoring a co-worker. Once a job is mastered, it is a becoming routine. Helping a new co-worker or an intern advance his or her skills can restore the challenge and the satisfaction you desire. However, when personal abilities do not match the responsibilities, boredom will attack. Keep in mind that boredom can literally be deadly if a job involves working with machinery or caring for people, much more on dealing with children. If the mind is wandering to the point that a life or the lives of others is put in jeopardy, take action now. Stay positive. Use positive thinking to reframe thoughts about the job. Changing one’s attitude about work will not necessarily happen overnight or increase job satisfaction overnight. Stop negative thoughts. Put things in perspective. Look for the silver lining. â€Å"Reframing† can help find the good in a bad situation. Learn from mistakes. Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many people let failure defeat them. Be grateful. Gratitude can help focus on what’s positive about the job.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How you helped another person and realized that you benefited as well Essay

How you helped another person and realized that you benefited as well - Essay Example Martha was sitting on a chair, wearing a new track suite and her sports shoes, her hair neatly collected with a matching blue ribbon, seeming a bit reluctant and hesitant. I signaled Martha to join me and she followed me like a cat being taken for a bath. We walked our way to the nearby public park. I told Martha that we will have a swift walk for the next 30 minutes. Both of us started with a slow and steady pace and Martha seemed to be doing fine, until I fastened my pace. I soon realized that Martha was way behind me and though she tried hard to catch up with me, she seemed to be tired and fatigued. Somehow we finished our 30 minute walk, followed by some stretching exercises. We continued with this routine for the next 3 days, until that fateful Monday came. As usual, when I entered the Butler household that morning, I saw a distressed Mrs. Butler, trying to console a weeping and sobbing Martha. I was a bit confused and perplexed. Mrs. Butler told me that somehow Martha was not willing to join me for her daily walk. She said she was feeling unwell, and excused me. I came back home, felling a bit bad. I talked about the issue with my mother. When I told her about our experiences in the past 3 days, she listened to me with an understanding smile. She told me that I simply cannot help Martha until I learn to see things from her perspective. She told me that Martha was badly overweight and was not used to an active way of life, not to mention the health problems she faced. For a fit person like me, a 30 minute walk and some exercise may be a piece of cake, but, for Martha it was a big challenge. To help Martha, I need to get into her shoes and think like her. The next morning I went to collect Martha. She was looking at me apprehensively. I greeted her with a big smile and pat her shoulders. We went to the park and I told her that today there will be no exercises. Instead we will just walk around, enjoying that beautiful morning. I

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflict Resolution - Essay Example Conflicts between employees, small groups of employees, or employee unions and employers are manageable because of existence of recognized frameworks that each party can resort to for resolution. Conflicts however threatens an organization’s sustainability when none of the involved parties are willing to be involved in a resolution and existing resolution frameworks are perceived to be incredible. Such was the conflict situation that I experienced in one of my former work environments. The organization had a strong internal workers organization that served both as a union and as a welfare organization. This identified diversified interest from both employees and the organization’s management. Politics among employees led to polarized alignment with two major opposing groups as the union headed for its elections. Incumbent union leaders were seeking reelection but their main rivals had accused them of working with the management to embezzle union funds and undermine empl oyees’ rights. The political environment became more polarized as rumors spread that the organization’s management was planning to influence elections results in order to retain the incumbent office. An unidentified group, in masks, then invaded the pooling station, disrupted counting of votes, and physically abused electoral officials. A massive protest then followed this on claims that the management had interfered with the election results to favor the incumbent office. The opposing group of aspirants then mobilized employees to sabotage work and threatened violence and destruction of the organization’s property if the management failed to either recognize them as leaders, or organized for fresh elections that had to be free and fair. Cause of the conflict The problem in the case was a conflict between the organization’s management and the employees’ fraternity who believed that the organization was misusing its powers to retain a weak leadershi p that it could continue manipulating in order to exploit employees. The problem identifies a conflict involving three groups in the organization. Employees did not like the way their leadership was managed and the relationship between their incumbent leaders and the organization’s management. This difference in management of the union developed a disagreement between a large percentage of employees on one side, and the management and the incumbent leaders on the other sides with support from some employees who were accused of being beneficiaries of the management’s influence, or of being cowardice. This difference polarized the political environment into the elections and was therefore a cause of the resultant conflict between the employees who sabotaged the organization’s operations, and the management. Perceived management’s direct involvement in interfering with the election results is another identifiable cause of the conflict. The organized demonstr ation was, however, the immediate cause of the conflict that involved a disagreement between the administration and employees. Employees accused the organization’s management of exploiting them and using their leaders to suppress their possible opposition, and demanded that their choice leaders be given an opportunity, and the management stops oppressing them. Approach to resolving the conflict The management, of which I was part, applied an authoritarian approach to resolvi

Tuberculosis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Tuberculosis - Term Paper Example According to the World Health Organization (WHO) approximates, nearly ten million new patients get TB annually, and that around 2 million people died from TB worldwide during 2010. Nonetheless, if TB is identified near the beginning and properly treated, people with the disease soon become non-infectious and are finally cured. Poor cure has caused outbreak of mycobacterium TB strains that do not respond to treatment with regular first line combination of anti-tuberculosis drugs, causing the â€Å"emergence of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis in almost every country† (Bynum, 2012). Tuberculosis is a matter of universal apprehension and a key focus for prevention and control attempts for CDC along with its collaborators throughout the world. The universal program to end TB (2011 - 2015) has marked the objective of 50 percent drop in TB pervasiveness and casualty rates by 2015, in comparison with 1990 levels. CDC chips in to the accomplishment of these objectives by working to enhance the level of TB control plans globally in countries nations with an increased stress of TB and those that add considerably to TB stress within the United States. CDC offers significant scientific sustenance to global collaborators for epidemiology as well as inspection, together with assistance for drug-resistant TB; laboratory support; medical and operational research that assesses hopeful analytics, cure and avoidance approaches. CDC is presently involved with activities to endorse the up-gradation of the â€Å"three is intensified case finding, isoniazid preventive therapy, and infection control† (Connolly, 2008) and early start of ART for individuals residing with HIV in lesser resource nations with TB/HIV syndemics. CDC’s global TB management activities are largely carried out in high-burden nations and nations of origin for foreign-born US TB cases, collaborating with MOHs and other collaborators to make sturdy national TB programs. CDC has a vital part in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Competitive&strategic analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Competitive&strategic analysis - Essay Example A study by Fleisher and Babette (20) posits that a marketing manager requires applying strategic positioning through serious inventions. He requires coming up with new services by keeping up with the market trends. This is not easy because it calls for a lot of creativity and learning the competitor’s operations. The company as a whole requires understanding the market trends in order to set a strategic position. This includes thorough research from the competitors and from the consumers. This success can only happen through enhancing this company’s online marketing which lacks in the company. It should create strong websites with relevant information both existing and potential in relation to marketing. The company should set aside some funds in order to create a strong online presence through wed-designs and development. This is because research shows that 97% of the consumers use the web to search for local and international businesses. After creating the website, the company should consider its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since study shows that 80% consumers use it for researching products (Fleischer & Babette 30). Every company requires harmonized decision-making, and it is important to include all employees in decision-making. Online marketing is the most popular marketing strategy in the current business world. For this reason, this company requires coming up with a strong internet presence in order to capture a larger

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Art of Negotiation - reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Art of Negotiation - reflection paper - Essay Example At a personal level, the thought of bargaining or negotiation does not cross my mind on an everyday basis. However, Moore and Woodrow (2010) contend that negotiation is an ongoing process in the life of an individual. This is because individuals always strive to make their lives better in one way or another. In the process, negotiation becomes critical as far as realizing the underlying outcomes is concerned. In this respect, it is eye opening to learn that bargaining and negotiating is a significant part of an individual’s experiences over time. Whether negotiation takes place at an individual, social, economic, legal, political, or business level, it is evident that some individuals are better negotiators than others are (Thompson, 2009).An actual negotiator usually has certain characteristics. They are good listeners with high and reasonable expectations. Regardless of having a good knowledge of the topic, they give time to the other party to express themselves. To add on, they usually have the willingness to prepare on the area of discussion and are people of very high integrity (Kramer, 2001). In other words, the strategy and approach employed in negotiations are critical to the expected results. The success, effectiveness, and efficiency of the negotiator determine what the negotiator gains at the end. This is because the primary goal of negotiating or bargaining is emerge a winner as opposed to a loser. However, it is important to point out that negotiations encompass both winning and losing depending on the skills of the persons involved. The art of negotiation in the business world usually has several steps. The first step is preparing on the right strategy. This mainly involves developing an intense knowledge for the matter at hand. With all the relevant knowledge it is easy for someone to negotiate and answer any question that may arise.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Police Gratuity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Police Gratuity - Essay Example This paper illustrates that gratuities help in cementing the relationship between the police officers and the public. The police officers who accept gratuities are more informed that police officers who are very strict on law enforcement. Gratuities, therefore, bridge the gap between the police officers and the general public. It offers an avenue where the general public interacts with the police personnel with minimal professional boundaries. On the other hand, it is quite unethical for someone to refuse a gift or an appreciation for favors. Therefore, it serves as a means of expression of human characteristics by the police officer to the public. A gift is known for converting the receiver and the respondent together in a mutual social reciprocation relationship. Gratuities also play a significant role in creating a mutual relationship between the general public and police officers. In the broader perspective, gratuities can be viewed as a method which necessitates community polici ng concept. Police officers, therefore, use gratuities to develop a good relationship with the public. The developed police-public relationship serves as a platform for transferring criminal information from the public to the police officers. Additionally, gratuities are used by criminal investigation department in their investigations. Gratuities reduce the cost of administration of justice. The legal procedure to get justice is sometimes very expensive in terms of resources and time. Additionally, people who are prone to gratuities are frequent users of the police services. The known frequent users of gratuities are businessmen to hide their bad reputation and traits from the general public. On the other hand, gratuities may tamper with police officers ability to administer fair and just services to the public. Police officers are likely to grant preferential treatment to those who are prone to gratuities. In such situation, justice would be administered unfairly. Gratuities overr ate the position of police officer. Police officers who accept gratuities view themselves as very special officers who must be rewarded for their services to the public. Police officers are professionals in their own capacity. They are paid salaries to offer protection and other services to the public. Therefore, acceptance of gratuities is unethical and violation of their professional ethics.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Presidential Speech Essay Example for Free

Presidential Speech Essay In Barrack Obamas Second Inaugural Address he mentioned how he wants to improve the United States by having better education, having womans right, gay rights, virtue programs for the retired and disabled, the importance of tackling global warming, and immigration reform. In the speech he gave he talked about what brings this country together is not the race or beliefs of people but the idea articulated in the declaration of independence and how the founding fathers of this country did not mean to become deprived by the constitution and that patriotism was not the preserve of the right. After everything that has happened in this country we are recovering, our future is looking brighter. He wants to grow government in order to remake our country along his progressive vision. He also wants to increase our taxes instead of reforming medicare and social security. This speech is also about how the ones who died in the army or in 9/11 are the ones who have paid for our freedom we have in this country. Everyone in the United States is given a chance to succeed, no matter how poor they may be because they are an American and we are free and equal. This speech is also about how we should be aware of those who want to harm us and do bad and show courage and defend each other peacefully. He believes equal pay for women, equality under the law for gays,voting rights, immigration reforms and higher employments are the keys to further Americas journey towards its highest ideals. He promise to further the journey as part of his oath and asked for us to accomplish the same oath. He also promised to keep existing alliances strong, emphasized the end of wars and the economic recovery. Obamas second Inaugural Address took place on the national day that celebrates the civil rights leader, Martin Luther king Jr. In his speech he had mention â€Å"we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half slave and half free.† Obamas Inauguration theme was â€Å"Faith in Americas Future† which was about the 150th anniversary on Abraham Lincolns emancipation proclamation, this was when Abraham Lincoln announced slavery illegal and wanted equal rights for everyone. I think the speech Barrack Obama gave was good and bad at the same time  because he probably lost a lot of people when he mention the gay rights and immigration reform. But also gained some votes from the Hispanics and young adults because young people accept gay rights than most of the country. I think he does make a point in wanting to pass the pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants instead of mass deportation because a lot of people come to the united states to find a better future for their children. Those immigrants see this country as a land of opportunity. Since Barrack Obama gave this speech, nothing has really occurred ,other than Obamas residential order which is similar to the dream act. The people who qualify for this must be between the ages 12-35,arrived in the United States before the age of 16, lived in the United States for at least 5 years, and have graduated a highs school and obtained their diploma or GED. This allows a dreamer to get their work permit for two years, and a drivers license. Even though immigration reforms are not passing and are having issues with it, it is moving forward.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Meaning and Importance of Capital Expenditure

The Meaning and Importance of Capital Expenditure Expenditure means a payment made by a business to obtain some benefits, i.e., assets, goods and services (AINAPURE, varsha and ainapure, mukund, 2009). 1.2 Meaning of Capital Expenditure or Asset Capital expenditure is that expenditure which is for future benefits. It means expenditure for gaining an asset. Asset is a resource controlled by an organization as a result of past event and for which future benefits are expected (AINAPURE, varsha and ainapure, mukund, 2009). 2. Revenue expenditure 2.1 Meaning of revenue expenditure Revenue expenditure are expenditures for ordinate repairs, maintain ace, fuel , insurance or other item needed to maintain used building, and plant and equipment. They go to the expense account and reduce the income of period in which they are incurred, because benefits from these expenditures dont last beyond that period (NARAYANASWAMY, R, 2008). 3. Differentiate between Capital and revenue Expenditure Investment Appraisal What is an investment? Specifically, an investment is the current commitment of dollars for a period of time in order to derive future payments that will compensate the investor for (1) the time the funds are committed, (2) the expected rate of inflation, and (3) the uncertainty of the future payments(BROWN, Keith and Reilley, Frank, 2005). Method of investment Appraisal A companys shareholders prefer to be rich rather than poor. Therefore, they want the firm to invest in every project that is worth more than it costs. The difference between a projects value and its cost is termed the net present value. Companies can best help their shareholders by investing in projects with a positive net present value (BREALEY et al., 2001). We start this material by showing how to calculate the net present value of a simple investment project. We also examine other criteria that companies sometimes consider when evaluating investments, such as the NPV projects payback period IRR Net Present Value (NPV) Suppose that you are in the real estate business. You are considering construction of an office block. The land would cost $50,000 and construction would cost a further $300,000. You foresee a shortage of office space and predict that a year from now you will be able to sell the building for $400,000. Thus you would be investing $350,000 now in the expectation of realizing $400,000 at the end of the year. You should go ahead if the present value of the $400,000 payoff is greater than the investment of $350,000. Assume for the moment that the $400,000 payoff is a sure thing. How much would you have to invest in it in order to receive $400,000 at the end of the year (BREALEY et al., 2001). Thats easy: you would have to invest $400,000 ÃÆ'- 1/1.07 = $400,000 ÃÆ'- .935 = $373,832 Therefore, at an interest rate of 7 percept, the present value of the $400,000 payoff from the office building is $373,832. NPV = PV required investment = $373,832 $350,000 = $23,832 In other words, your office development is worth more than it costs-it makes a net contribution to value. Internal Rate of Return Instead of calculating a projects net present value, companies often prefer to ask whether the projects return is higher or lower than the opportunity cost of capital. For example, think back to the original proposal to build the office block. You planned to invest $350,000 to get back a cash flow of C1 = $400,000 in 1 year. Therefore, you forecasted a profit on the venture of $400,000 $350,000 = $50,000 (BREALEY et al., 2001). Rate of return = profit/ investment = C1 investment/ investment = $400,000 $350,000/ $350,000 = .1429, or about 14.3% The alternative of investing in a U.S. Treasury bill would provide a return of only 7 percept. Thus the return on your office building is higher than the opportunity cost of capital. This suggests two rules for deciding whether to go ahead with an investment project: 1. The NPV rule. Invest in any project that has a positive NPV when its cash flows are discounted at the opportunity cost of capital. 2. The rate of return rule. Invest in any project offering a rate of return that is higher than the opportunity cost of capital (BREALEY et al., 2001). PAYBACK PERIOD These days almost all large companies use discounted cash flow in some form, but sometimes they use it in combination with other theoretically inappropriate measures of performance (BREALEY et al., 2001). Inflation and capital investment decisions Inflation can have a serious effect on capital investment decisions, both by reducing the real value of future cash flows and by increasing their uncertainty. Future cash flows must be adjusted to take account of any expected inflation in the prices of goods services in order to express them in normal (or money) terms, i.e. in term of actual cash amounts to be received or paid in the future. As an alternative to the nominal approach to dealing with inflation in investment appraisal, it is possible to deflate nominal cash flows by the general rate of inflation in order to obtain cash flows expressed in real terms, i.e. with inflation stripped out (WATSON, Denzil and Head, Antony, 2010). (1+real cost of capital) = (1+ normal cost of capital) / (1+ inflation rate) For example if the nominal cost of capital is 15% and the rate of inflation is 9 %, the real cost of capital will be 5.5 %. Investment appraisal and risk involved In the context of investment appraisals, risk refers to the business risk of an investment, which since it derives from a companys capital structure is reflected in its weighted average cost of capital. Risk is tusk distinct from uncertainty, which increases proportionality with project life. A risk-averse company is concerned about the possibility of expected, i.e. with downside risk, and will therefore want to asses the risk of an investment project. There are several methods of assessing project risk and of incorporating risk into the decision making (WATSON, Denzil and Head, Antony, 2010). Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis is a way of assessing the risk of an investment project by evaluating how responsive the NPV of the project is to change in the variables from which it has been calculated (WATSON, Denzil and Head, Antony, 2010). Types of risk Credit Risk Market risk Equity Risk Liquidity risk Financial Analysis Financial performance analysis using financial ratio Categories of Financial Ratios Analysts find it useful to classify ratios into broad groupings, based on the characteristics that particular ratios are intended to measure. In this section, we discuss ratios under four major headings that are widely employed by analysts: liquidity, profitability, capital structure, and investor ratio (STICE et al., 2002). Liquidity Ratios Liquidity ratios indicate the short-term solvency of the firm. They also indicate how effectively the firm is managing its working capital (STICE et al., 2002). Profitability Ratios Profitability ratios are the second major focus of analysis for any investor. Without profits, there will be no return to the investor or no one will want to invest (STICE et al., 2002). Gross Profit The gross profit percentage is the first source of profitability for a manufacturing or merchandising firm. The data for the gross profit margin are found in the first sections of the income statement. These data indicate the level of profits earned from buying and reselling goods (STICE et al., 2002). Operating income ratio The operating income ratio is the second indicator of profitability because it includes All the other normal and recurring operating costs. Increasing or stable levels Of operating income indicate sustainability of the firms profits (STICE et al., 2002). Financial Statement Analysis, Wendys International, Inc. In this section, we apply our financial statement analysis framework to Wendys International, Inc. Liquidity Analysis Profitability Analysis Summary, Wendys International, Inc. Our analysis of Wendys financial statements is cautiously positive. The primary weak indicator is in the area of profitability (based on accrual-based earnings), and this result may be due to transitory effects that may not persist in the future. There were significant positive trends in liquidity, and stability in investor ratios. Further examination of supplementary information, as well as subsequent quarterly results for 1998 and 1999, could be used to support or challenge these conclusions (STICE et al., 2002). Non-Financial Analysis Using Balance score card Balance Score Card The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a technique developed by Kaplan and Norton (1992) that helps organisational decision makers to navigate the organisation towards success. The technique enables organisations to translate their mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provide the framework for a strategic measurement and management system. Organisations have used the Balanced Scorecard to; (1) clarify and translate vision and strategy, (2) communicate and link strategic objectives and measures, (3) plan, set targets and align strategic initiatives and (4) enhance strategic feedback and learning, and succeed in realizing both tangible and intangible benefits of their investments (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996, 2000). The Balanced Scorecard measures organisational performance, with emphasis on financial objectives. But, it also includes the performance drivers of these financial objectives, and measures organisational performance across four balanced perspectives; (1) financial, (2) customer, (3) internal business processes and (4) learning and growth (DARSHANA SEDERA, Guy Gable and Michael Rosemann). Framework of Balance Score Card.

Friday, September 20, 2019

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest :: book review, mental illness

Randall Patrick McMurphy is introduced by asking, "Do I look like a sane man?" Surprisingly enough, the answer was yes; in fact, McMurphy's sanity takes the ward by storm. None of the patients have met anyone like him. The other patients seem timid and quiet, yet McMurphy is cocky, loud, and confident. He doesn't seem to belong in the hospital at all. Everything about McMurphy marked a sane, logical, and capable man. You could tell that he was a hard working man, and even Dr. Spivey suspected a misdiagnosis, but nevertheless McMurphy was in for an experience of a lifetime. Nurse Ratched and her new patient, McMurphy, are in every way opposed to each other, she demanding control, he basking in freedom and independence. Inevitably, as the Nurse asserts her power, McMurphy rebels against it in both intentional and unintentional ways. Nurse Ratched had defeated past troublemakers with electro-shock therapy, or with lobotomies, the latter an operation that makes patients docile members of society at the expense of their individuality. McMurphy was asking for more and more freedom and awakening the other patients to things they have been missing. Nurse Ratched was intent on quelling this disturbance before it became a major issue. The climax is building when McMurphy comes back from electro-shock therapy and the rest of the ward is planning his escape. The two prostitutes Sandy and Candy arrive in the ward, and there is a wild party. This is where everything turns to chaos. McMurphy attacks Nurse Ratched, but he is immediately restrained and will never know of the hope he gave Chief. Chief believed that McMurphy made him â€Å"big† enough to finally lift the control panel that he throws through a window to escape. The resolution was fitting to the events of the novel, but it came rather quickly. It seemed as though there was the party, Billy Bibbit committed suicide, and McMurphy was lobotomized in just a few pages.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

There is no question that obesity is a national epidemic. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate nearly 36% of U.S. adults more than 20 years of age were considered obese in 2009 through 2010, with 18.4% of adolescents following closely behind (Krieter). However, while obesity is a growing problem, labeling it as a disease is a formidable approach to what is considered a lifestyle choice for many American citizens. Scientists have made great advances in understanding significant environmental causes of obesity as well as identifying several genetic factors that may be implicated. Many efforts are now directed toward evaluating the interactions between these factors and understanding how this relationship interplays into major roles of the problem. Obesity is an end result of human response to biology and the environment. Recent hypotheses made by scientists suggest that the current obesity problem is largely due to environmental factors, such as fast food consumption, television watching, and large portion sizes (Brantley). Americans live in the era of eating unhealthy fast food, and the notorious ‘supersizing.’ Television, radio, and print advertising bombard the population with enticements to eat food high in calories and fat (Gunderman). Furthermore, the physical and mental demands of today’s societies are relentlessly changing, resulting in unbalanced energy intake and consumption. A study, published in the journal, Pediatrics, emphasize on specific environmental aspects on children and teen lives that contribute to their unhealthy, fat-filled lifestyles (Haelle). Researchers found that the link between increased television time and obesity rates among adolescents has grown stronger in the p... ...rtant contributors to obesity. Gain in body weight can be achieved through accumulative positive energy balances; these could form through adjustments in energy expenditure or fuel utilization and the types of the food that the consumer eats. The interaction between the two factors leads to a positive energy balance, eventually turning into body fat and weight gain. However, while previous investigations have found a clear association between high fat intake and risk of obesity the relationship does not establish a biological certitude. Further research must be done to form a more clear and reliable explanation for the affiliation between the genetic and environmental aspects of the epidemic. While the biological basis of the interaction is uncertain, cultural changes in society and the genetic makeup of the human body are clearly significant causes of obesity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Process Essay †How to Name a Cow -- Process Essays

Process Essay – How to Name a Cow Naming your cow may not be an easy task. While some claim to be well versed in bovine nomenclature, many first-time cow owners are not. It may be true that cattle should not be named because a growing attachment to your cow may hinder economic gain—if you plan to eat your cow, don’t name it. Most cow lovers need not worry about any of this. Their cows have become welcome household pets. They have put down their steak knives and decided to dine with them, not on them. Such docile animals have now become a part of the family, and owning but a few cows has eased the problem of naming a vast herd of cattle. I once knew a family in Loma Rica that tried to name all their many cows. They couldn’t keep track of them, and the family became mean, bitter people. Cows are just too damn difficult to distinguish from each other when they are in large groups, and you just plain run out of names. Cow connoisseurs usually begin with one or two cows and are therefore able to relate to their cows on a more personal level. Get in touch with your cow. Spend quality time with it. Get to know it as it gets to know you. Both you and your cow have distinctive attributes that distinguish either of you from others. That should play a big part in the naming process, and spending time with your animal creates a better bond and gives insight to a proper name for the creature. I might like a bizarre name like Sink, Horse, or Unhalangami, depending on the personality of my cow. Another person might like a more traditional name like Daisy or Buttercup. Try naming your bovine after an obvious characteristic or physical feature. If your cow is a rich brown color, na... ...ter, Rolling Pin, Dinner Jacket, Vendetta, and Alaska. You can get some really great names by employing this technique, but it may take several tries. Try other reference books for variation. An alternative approach: Instead of names, give your cows words. Paint a word or phrase on each cow. (Nontoxic cold-cream-based finger paint works well for this.) As your cows arrange themselves in a field, in a sort of fluxus tradition, they create an artful type of found poetry. Your cows can be your art. All in all, research your possibilities; milk your sources. If you are religious, pray, and ask for guidance. Ask your friends. Ask your grandmother. (If you ask me, I would name my cow Heimlich. Then I could have Heimlich manure!) Most of all, be creative. Don’t stress, because with these pointers, naming your cow will be fun, easy, and satisfying.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Health safety and security for health and social care Essay

Potential Hazards and the Harm that may arise from each in a Health and Social Care Setting In this unit 3 assignment, I will be explaining the potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each (physical environment, equipment, infections, working conditions, working practices and security conditions) in a health and social care environment. These settings can include day centers, hospitals, health centers, schools, residential and nursing homes, private homes, and nurseries. First I will define each of them and then explain 6 hazards that may harm an individual. A hazard is something that is dangerous which can cause harm to you or any other individual and cause pain, especially if nothing is done to reduce the risk. Physical Environment Physical environment incorporates anything around ranging from different objects, people, pets, the temperature, buildings and also the air. This can have a great impact on the health of individuals and staff. If a room is not well ventilated with any windows so that there is fresh air flowing around, then the bacteria from different people with influenzas and cold can spread around the room and those germs when they sneeze or a cough can make it contagious for other people to catch very easily. Temperature is how hot or an object, subject or person is measured in degrees. Temperature can cause various complications to persons with disabilities, babies and older people because they find it difficult to sustain their body temperature, as it is very important to keep yourself wrapped up very warm to reduce the cold breeze from off of their body. It can cause bronchitis and other respiratory problems. Fumes and smoke that may be contaminated the air in the room because of fires (house fires, factory or building) or leakage (gas, petrol) can cause persons to inhale it and eventually die. Persons with very light skin who go to the beach or just going on picnics with residents or the residents themselves from within a care home may be exposing themselves to too much sun and not protecting their skin with sunblock or even a hat can which can cause skin cancer. Water that has been spilled and left on the ground can be a hazard to anyone in a care home as they may not see the water on the floor to avoid it and can slip and end up injuring themselves by damaging their spine or even fracturing their limbs. Blocked fire exists can be a hazard as it should be clear at all times in case of an emergency so that you are able to leave the building quickly. If the exits are blocked and persons try to run to that exist then they can run into the thing or even push down someone causing that indivi dual to be trampled on and fracture their ribs or have a head injury. Equipment You may find different equipment in a care home which can include overloaded sockets, wheelchairs, chairs, hot surface of a cup, broken piece of furniture, walking stick. These are equipment which is used daily in care homes. In a care, there may be certain things which you may need to plug in but overloading the sockets is not an option as the amount of energy that would be generating from the electricity can cause it to spark and go up in flames. Persons near these plugs may end up being burnt on any part of their body which may cause them to lose some of their skin or even death. Tripping over the cords if it is not properly protected by being covered over causing to cut their lips or fractures to some parts of their body or by even hitting their head onto something causing them to become unconscious and have brain damage. If persons use their wet hands to either plug in or out any plugs it can be very dangerous as they can be electrocuted these hazards may cause people to be trap ped in the building because the elderly are not able to move as quickly as they would like to. An elderly can be at risk of falling out of the wheelchair when being pushed if they are not safely secured to the chair. This may cause individuals to bruise or fracture themselves as elderly people are very fragile. If left in the way the wheelchair can cause someone to hit their feet into it causing bruising and swelling to the toes. Chairs can also be another set of hazards that can harm someone when left in the way as it can also injure their feet if they hit into it. This can cause bleeding, swelling, bruising and obviously pain to the individual’s feet. Broken equipment such as a chair that needs to be thrown out because it is weak if the chair is left in everyone’s way and one of the elderly sits in it the chair will give way causing the individual to land on the floor and have back injury or even shift their pelvis out of alignment. Sometimes these scales can be very serious and life-threatening as they will need to seek medical attention. When giving the elder ly anything that may be hot you have to be careful as it may burn their hands and they may end up dropping the tea or cup over their legs or hands causing it to scald them. This can cause blisters and charred, black or red skin. Sometimes in a care, an elderly person may be sitting down but does not put the walking stick out of anyone’s way. A carer or another elderly person may be passing and does not see the stick will end up tripping over the walking stick and hurt the elderly person’s feet causing pain and swelling to that individual and to the person that fell they may have bruising.

Monday, September 16, 2019

An important event that changed my life

There are many changes that can happen in a person’ s life. Some changes are very tiny and would not affect your life very much. However, other events could be very important and could change a person’ s whole life, such as getting married, having a baby, or losing someone special. The important event that changed my life is coming to the United States to study. When I first arrived in this country, I realized that a tremendous transformation would happen in my life both physically and mentally. After spending more than two months in the United States, I firmly believe that moving to the United States is a beneficial change for me. This change provides me a chance to lead a healthy lifestyle as well as a new way of thinking that are significant for me.It is essential to have this change as it offers me a healthy lifestyle. Before coming to the United States, I used to stay up late at night to study and wake up early in the morning. This was a hazard to my health that co uld cause me to get sick easily. When I decided to come to America, I made up my mind and determined to keep a healthy routine. For example, I enjoy the American-style meal which includes having a fresh salad instead of cooked vegetables. This method of cooking vegetables helps me absorb more vitamins from them. As a result, I can feel that I am becoming healthier and healthier. 3Additionally, this important change enables me to think differently and internationally. This is my first time living in a North-American country. Hence, I have a brand new opportunity to experience a new culture. Because I live in a multicultural society, living in Los Angeles has expanded my horizon on a lot of things – lifestyle, eating habits, and respectful greeting manners. By knowing more about different cultures, I have become more considerate and understanding of various habits as well as behaviors from different races. Consequently, I have changed into someone who has a new way of seeing di stinct issues happening around me.To sum up, mov ing to the United States was an important change in my life because of giving me the chance to have a healthy lifestyle and a new way of thinking. I have changed my eating and sleeping habits in a good way. Meanwhile, I have become more understanding of different cultures. Thus, this change is very important and beneficial for me An Important Event that Changed my Life There are many changes that can happen in a person’ s life. Some changes are very tiny and would not affect your life very much. However, other events could be very important and could change a person’ s whole life, such as getting married, having a baby, or losing someone special. The important event that changed my life is coming to the United States to study. When I first arrived in this country, I realized that a tremendous transformation would happen in my life both physically and mentally. After spending more than two months in the United States, I firmly believe that moving to the United States is a beneficial change for me. This change provides me a chance to lead a healthy lifestyle as well as a new way of thinking that are significant for me.It is essential to have this change as it offers me a healthy lifestyle. Before coming to the United States, I used to stay up late at night to study and wake up early in the morning. This was a hazard to my health that co uld cause me to get sick easily. When I decided to come to America, I made up my mind and determined to keep a healthy routine. For example, I enjoy the American-style meal which includes having a fresh salad instead of cooked vegetables. This method of cooking vegetables helps me absorb more vitamins from them. As a result, I can feel that I am becoming healthier and healthier.Additionally, this important change enables me to think differently and internationally. This is my first time living in a North-American country. Hence, I have a brand new opportunity to experience a new culture. Because I live in a multicultural society, living in Los Angeles has expanded my horizon on a lot of things – lifestyle, eating habits, and respectful greeting manners. By knowing more about different cultures, I have become more considerate and understanding of various habits as well as behaviors from different races. Consequently, I have changed into someone who has a new way of seeing dist inct issues happening around me.To sum up, mov ing to the United States was an important change in my life because of giving me the chance to have a healthy lifestyle and a new way of thinking. I have changed my eating and sleeping habits in a good way. Meanwhile, I have become more understanding of different cultures. Thus, this change is very important and beneficial for me.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


You can say that Penelope Is the perfect representation of patience, loyalty and fidelity because thou knowing the true whereabouts of her husband she blindly trusts his return, and along the work we can see how rejected suitors presented In Its door. Here we can also see one of Its mall features, the cunning. And not only that, pride In her home and family, and features such as hospitality make her one of the most complete characters with Odysseus.Penelope knows how to act in such a way that inadvertently marry any of the suitors, an idea how to deceive them, keep them in your door, and take advantage in some way all these gifts and favors that made him. The loom of the lord Alerts, is one of the representations of Penelope intelligence. She tells her suitors that when you finish this loom knitting, she will choose who he wants to marry. Carefully every night she undid everything she wove in the morning. With this trick was tricking her suitors three years. She said to us: My lords, my Suitors, though Odysseus is dead and you are eager for me to marry, have patience till I complete this work, I do not want it wasted, this shroud for noble Alerts, ready for when pitiless death's cruel end overtakes him: since I fear some Achaean woman f this land would blame me, if he who won great wealth lay there without a shroud† (8. 11) We can see Penelope as a strong woman, she is the queen of Ithaca and knows the responsibility that entails, if she married another man, this would become the king of Ithaca.She is able to take her house and her family by herself, demonstrating great courage and strength. I could say it's in their own way, the other heroine of the Odyssey. In the work by comparing the story of Penelope and Odysseus with the story of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon see the obvious differences between the characters. Penelope and Clytemnestra were In the same situation, but react in completely opposite ways. While Clytemnestra betrays Agamemnon having being u nfaithful and finally killing him, Penelope Is faithful to her husband, waiting for him not knowing If he will return.This highlights even more the characteristics of Penelope, making It look Like a strong and sensible woman. â€Å"†¦ Most plateful was the voice I heard of Prism's daughter Cassandra, killed by treacherous Clytemnestra over me; but I lifted my hands and with them beat on the ground as I died upon the sword, but the sluttish woman turned away from me and was so hard hat her hands would not press shut my eyes and mouth though I was going to Hades'.So there is nothing more deadly or more vile than a woman who stores her mind with acts that are of such sort, as this one did when she thought of this act of dishonor, and plotted the murder of her lawful husband. See, I had been thinking home, but she with thoughts surpassingly grisly splashed the shame on herself and the rest of her sex, on women still to come, even on the one whose acts are virtuous. † (1 1. 2 1-434) The contradiction that we can find in the behavior of Penelope s precisely how she keeps her suitors waiting for her, but this is part of one of its main characteristics, which is the intelligence to handle the situation alone. While continuing to be faithful and loyal to Odysseus, get to take advantage of the suitors. If we focus on the position of women in society of ancient Greece, Penelope is represented as an ideal woman, example of charity, generosity, cunning and intelligence. Penelope takes an unprecedented role for this time, even though this behavior so we could get to find normal in our society.Homer represents Penelope as a heroine of Greek society. Makes her everything a Greek woman should do, keep fidelity and loyalty to her husband, but this is 20 years without returning home. She's at home, as a woman, but also we can see a man talking and arguing with them, something for which a Greek woman is not ready. This raises the idea that Penelope is partly oppressed by Greek customs but this is contradicted by his acting and bringing the situation, because she believes in the love she feels for Odysseus and that he will eventually return.A woman in Greek society should not be allowed to play such positions, Odysseus could have given power to someone who was not Penelope, but it is she who is in charge of the kingdom. With that Homer shows us his vision of the ideal woman Greek. Another sign of cunning and intelligence of Penelope is when she thinks about testing the arc. As Chris Emily-Jones says in The Reunion of Penelope and Odysseus led by the intuition that the beggar was really Odysseus invents arc test, knowing that the only one who could use it was him. Penelope had the intuition that the beggar was Odysseus by his dreams and the attraction they felt for him.The only thing that can make us doubt this situation is, why she gives up and wants to get married at that time? Why happened when Odysseus is there? Alex Cist in his article Penelop e Role in the odyssey shows us a comparison with Calypso, Retreat makes Circe and through this comparison Penelope is represented as a woman and ideal lover: ;However, in the Odyssey, most women fall into one of two categories in regards to their personalities and relationships with men: they were either loyal wives (Retreat) or alluring seductresses (Calypso, Circe).What makes Penelope special is that she possesses characteristics of both an ideal wife and an ideal lover†. According Cist, the idea of perfect love is took from the sentiment between Odysseus and Penelope, the union that exists between both makes this love a perfect love and the perfect union ; The unity of Their personalities, according to Odysseus, means they have a perfect love, their minds and hearts are unified†.And one more time, as I have said before, Alex Cist shows us strong the idea of Penelope ability to handle her situation with the suitors: ;Penelope entrapment of her suitors despite constantl y rejecting and spurning them shows that she has what it takes to steal a man's heart. And important distinction, though, between the queen and other seductresses is that Penelope does not do this consciously. † We can compare Penelope with Mary Bloom, its equivalent in the Ulysses written by James Joyce.Molly would be the opposite figure of Penelope; her life is marked by a precocity in the final monologue of this work. On the other hand you can not criticize this attitude, because it conveys a message of naturalness and Molly's character tries to get on with life despite having in his mind to her husband Finally, we can say that Penelope was a great woman, and an example of ideal woman n Greek society, that's how Homer wanted to show it to us.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Practical Labour Law Assignment Essay

The common law contract of employment would require that the two parties involved i. e. employer and employee conclude an agreement equitable to or at least meeting the needs of (locatio conductio operarum/employment proper). Considering the nature of the relationship between Mrs. James and the school, it is difficult to define who the employee and employer is, as the initial agreement for the services offered by Mrs. James was made between her and the parents. The school ultimately becomes responsible for paying her salary based on a request she made. No formal agreement is mentioned with regards to this arrangement for instance, is the school charging her an administration/handling fee or is she subjected to statutory deductions like UIF as the other teachers. Mrs. James was provided with the tools (i. e. two classrooms) to run her services by the school and they stipulated conditions of her using the schools facilities (provided she supplied the children with equipment etc). Thus it would seem as though a (location conduction operis ) or â€Å"provision of work† contract exists between the school and Mrs. James. This contract unfortunately does not provide her with job security or recourse when facing acts of negligence or wrong doing by the other party to the contract. The control test indicates that Mrs. James ran her own after care centre without reporting to any of the staff members, in fact if ever there was a reporting structure it would probably be to the parents of the children she looked after. The governing body had no control over how she ran her classes either than the fact that they stipulated that toys and equipment be provided to the children and of course that the classrooms be well maintained. The governing body can stipulate the code of conduct for the other teachers but surely Mrs. James would not be subjected to this. In terms of the Organizational test, Mrs. James has been a part of the school for 15 years receiving a cheque from the school governing body like any other member of the organization and hence feeling somewhat involved with the school. However should the teachers for instance be involved in industrial action over salaries would Mrs. James as â€Å"part of the teachers’ organization† get involved or benefit from salary increases? There was no formal contract between the two but the school does provide the classroom (capital asset) and pay her via cheque signed by the governing body. To some degree they can terminate her services but not necessarily through disciplinary procedures as would be the case with their employees. If the school can no longer provide or choose to offer their facilities to someone else, surely the contract involved between Mrs. James and the school, would be more a tenant/landlord agreement rather than an employer/employee agreement. Who profits from the provision of these services? The fees paid by the parents are wholly received by Mrs. James which makes it seem as though she’s the only one profiting from the services rendered but arguably the school indirectly benefits from this arrangement. For instance parents of prospective school children may consider the provision of after care facilities as an added bonus when trying to decide which school their little one should attend. Furthermore Mrs. James has the added benefit of receiving her collated fees on time with no risk of theft etc. in a convenient manner at no extra charge to her. Teachers employed by the school earning a salary in exchange for the services carried out at the business of their employer are entitled to certain benefits. If the school was her employer then Mrs. James would’ve had to obey reasonable instructions from the school regarding her work but it seems she ran her business independently. The court should thus not rule in her favour as she wasn’t an employee of the school and hence cannot be retrenched. Question 2Word Count: 402 Skills development Act 97 ?Key purpose of the SDA and SDLA: The Skills Development Act (SDA) 97 came into effect in 1998, it is centered at improving the South African workforce by providing skills and opportunities to South African citizens. It aims to improve the quality of a workers life and grant opportunities and flexibility of employment as well as increased competition in the workplace as workers become more productive and efficient in their work. Entrepreneurship or self employment is encouraged through this act. The workplace becomes an institution of active learning as employees are encouraged to study or continue to train further and acquire new skills. Issues such as high unemployment or unskilled labour force can be addressed as employers are encouraged to employ unskilled workers for instance graduates or scholars with no working experience. Job prospects of historically disadvantaged individuals are improved through training initiatives. Provision and regulation of employment services Improved return on investment in the labour market due to increase in the levels of investment in training and education. In order to facilitate and finance SDA, the skills development levy Act (SDLA) was created. It is a levy imposed on employers to ensure funds are generated towards financing skills development. ?Key provisions of the SDA that apply to our company: The National Skills authority ; National skills fund; labour centres ; SETA’s; Skills Development Planning unit and of course the Skills Development levy grant scheme where established to provide for SDA. SETA’s or Sector Education and Training Authorities through which learnerships are provided mean that we as an employer must-: 1. Employ a learner for a period specified in an the agreement 2. Provide the learner with specified practical work experience 3. Afford the learner time to attend the education and training specified in the agreement ? Key procedures to be followed or set up to ensure compliance with SDA and SDLA : We have to apply to the commissioner of the South African Revenue Services to be registered to pay SDLA. The company also has to register with a relevant SETA. Payment of the levy must be made no later than seven (7) days after the end of each month. Every employer is subject to pay a skills development levy which is collected by SARS. This levy must be paid at a rate of 1% of an employee’s total remuneration excluding pension or retirement allowances. Question 3Word count: 468 a) All South African employees working more than 24 hours a month and who are not receiving a monthly pension, nor employed under the skills and development act are entitled to a statutory benefit called UIF which stands for Unemployment Insurance Fund. In the event that you fall ill, pregnant or are dismissed from work and even if your contract of employment should expire and you are involuntarily out of work, you will then be able to claim benefits against UIF and will be paid out a certain amount over a certain period of time by the labour department. Officers and some specified employees of national and provincial spheres of government may not claim UIF so too are foreigners entering the country for specified learnerships or contracts of service and employees earning commission only. Since you are of legal employment age and earn below the annual level determined by the minister of labour, you may apply for UIF should you involuntarily be unemployed subject to you having employment but not necessarily making contributions towards UIF for at least 13 weeks during the year before having to claim UIF. The company will deduct contributions from your salary every month and pay both our contribution as well as yours towards UIF fund. We will both be subject to paying an equal amount of 1% of your earnings towards the fund. In your current position as trainee data capturer you will be earning R7500 which is below the current income ceiling of R8099 per month. In the event that you claim for UIF you will then be entitled to a percentage of R7500 multiplied by 12 months divided by 365 days as a benefit paid out to you. Once a year the company pays out a bonus (guaranteed 13th cheque) to which a contribution for UIF will also be deducted however as your service with us progresses and you are possibly promoted into another role which may have the added benefit of a performance bonus, please note this will not be subject to UIF contributions. We will also make no UIF deductions on overtime paid to you or any other special allowances that don’t form part of the contract of employment you’ve just signed. As a contributor to the fund, you may one day claim for illness; maternity/adoption benefits and of course in the event that you are for instance retrenched, dismissed or your contract is terminated and you are left unemployed, you may also claim for this. In the event that you should pass away, your dependants may also claim from the fund provided they do so six months of your death however under special circumstance the commissioner may accept applications older than six months.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized - Essay Example The essay "Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized" discusses the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is a type of medicine which is used in several nations from ancient periods. From the viewpoint of prescription, marijuana is illegal in the USA because it is used as a drug, and has been traditionally associated with harmful narcotics. Presently, marijuana is considered as an unlawful element at the national level and is registered in the U.S. â€Å"Controlled Substances Act†, but marijuana can be effectively used for health benefits. Several surgeons and medical investigation specialists conveyed that marijuana can be used as remedies for certain health related problems. Marijuana can rouse hunger and is useful for biliousness. Besides, marijuana is also useful for cure of glaucoma. By any extent of the rational investigation, marijuana can carefully be used under an administered routine of medical care. Legalizing marijuana can also decrease the offense linked with the drug busi ness. The main reason is that unlike other drug markets, the market for marijuana produces a comparatively lesser number of criminal offenses. In comparison with other drug affected criminals, the marijuana affected criminals represent offensive activities below 10% for infringement of drug law. If marijuana is utilized as a drug, then legalization of it might decrease the crime related to alcohol. Besides, through marijuana legalization, there is a possibility that police officers will be able to focus more on the other crimes.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 399

Assignment Example Eventually, I realized that I could competently rehearse the notations from the book to the physical environment by playing the right keys of the piano. It is apparent that playing the piano as a music instrument requires the devotion and intelligence of every participant. During the â€Å"Light Bulb† experience, one would acknowledge the essence of enforcing intellectual variations to acquaint slow learners, mid-range individuals, and the competent group with varied tasks that would ease the process of learning. The class session would evoke competence among the majority group of students if the instructor would appreciate the contribution of every student. Further, the evaluation of one’s cultural and lingual background would empower instructors with the ideal approaches in training different groups of students to emulate the ideal notations to the physical environment. The course presented different aspects of acquiring music through the workshop training sessions that were informative on different musical orientations. The unprecedented variations in playing Asian, African, and American among other social systems’ musical notations among through the piano provoked an understanding of the psychological events that revolve around a person’s mind in playing and depicting competence choreography classes of music. However, instructors should critical in predicting the extent at which a student would learn the different notations fast over another, as such would contribute to professionalism and competence in the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Principles of Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of Economics - Essay Example Inflation has different components, phases and forms. For example, deflation and inflation are often defined in relation to the amount of general supply of money viz a viz the economys ability to generate goods and services This article will aim at discussing the causes, effects, impacts and importance of inflation in an economy There are various causes of inflation which have been put forward by various economists. The first type of inflation is the Cost Push Inflation. This type of inflation occurs when firms respond to the increase in production costs, by increasing prices in order to retain their profit margins. When general costs increase the firms have few options on how to absorb the costs from within, this situation forces the organization to pass on this cost to the consumers. The rise in prices may be triggered by several factors, these factors being an increase in the cost of imported raw materials. This may occur in countries which heavily rely on exports of such products. On the other hand, this may also occur by a fall in the rate of the pound in the international currency exchange a market which raises the UK price of imported products. An illustration of cost push inflation occurred when British gas and alternative energy suppliers decided to increase the prices of gas and electricity. This strategy made energy producing firms to charge different prices for the domestic and foreign markets during the period between years 2005 and 2006. The other cause associated with cost-push inflation is due to the increase in labor costs. When labor costs increase, the effects of this measure on the company production is passed over to consumers.   This cause is significant in those firms and organizations which are labor-intensive. Some industries may opt against passing this high cost to the consumer since they might be able to cover cost in other ways but in the long run they may be forced to increase

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sex and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sex and Religion - Essay Example The materials provide substantial opportunity to consider the Bible as a great source of authority in maintaining the value or quality of human life. It speaks absolutely of the truth that if everyone and everything would have the foundation of God’s love, the world would suppose to live in perfect unity and harmony. In response to the materials I have read, I can say that to be objective with Biblical interpretation, which is an act that should have a high level of divine guidance, humans should have significant discerning of things around them that would ultimately guide them towards the right and necessary actions to do in life. Applying this principle in working with clients in the area of sexuality or sexual diversity would show us a remarkable advantage due to the following reasons that I believe essential or vital in ensuring a good working relationship. First, the use of the Bible as objective source of authority in dealing with clients in the area of sexuality or sexu al diversity provides wisdom that has proven to provide the appropriate act to ensure good moral values. The Bible and the words written in it could provide the appropriate standard on what to do, which the bottom line is to maximise the presence of love and its power to change lives. For this matter, I believe that when counseling couples for instance, who have been having troubles in ensuring to make their relationship stand amidst troubles and perfect misunderstandings, the Biblical contexts and principles would make a good opportunity to guarantee support for harmony, respect and love. The Bible connects itself to the current issues of the human life, not only in the past, it also continues at present and in the future. Reading the materials, provides me a considerable thought that every issue of the human life is demonstrated in the Bible for us to learn in advance of many things about life. Thus, this convinces me that the Bible should be the human’s ultimate source or guide for daily living. Issues like homosexuality, marriage and any related topics like these are discussed in the Bible. However, it is also important that there is divine guidance from the ultimate source of absolutely right and correct wisdom, God, who is capable us providing us the right interpretation of the Biblical text. Thus, the idea of holiness is I belief would make sense concerning this point. Truly, I believe that there should be absolute standard of what is universally correct or right, even if we are living in diversity because we are all human beings, having the same ability to feel the same and react to our environment in the same pattern or trend. This convinces me that the idea of Jesus for the good of the humanity is applicable to all people coming from different nations and tribes because its main point is for the good of everyone, not to harm. That is why the idea of Jack Roger to consider Jesus Christ as the center of the Scripture would make sense, implying f urther that the Bible and Christ teachings and He Himself should be one. This therefore would allow us to place higher authority in the Scripture, allowing us to use it in all occupations, particularly in the prevailing diversity in the area of sexuality. Second, based on my first point of view, I noticed that religion using the Bible with perfect and great authority has important implication in every lifestyle, because based on the articles; the Scripture is capable of instructing us concerning the varying views and experiences of life. Religious doctrines according to the article of Thomas Armiger provide essential connection to the human faith. It is

Laboratory Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Laboratory - Lab Report Example In addition, The PACS system is equipped with a central core consisting of a 300-gigabyte central server; a set of 1.25-terabyte optical jukebox archive together with adjustable wavelet compression or PacsPro II that is an EMED Technologies, Lexington, MA; some workstations which are four-panel 2.5 2.0K monitors (average rate image display time is less than 2 sec/full-resolution computed radiography image. The Images in PACS system are routed to individual workstations based on the algorithm that applies a synthesis of patient location, image source, day of week, time of day, imaging type, and Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) code (Gale, Gale, Schwartz, Muse and Walker, 2000). Oracle is a new networking infrastructures and applications that provides highly available integrated and high level of performance software components that meets the demands of most industries. The Oracle empowers applications with very high throughput and instant responsiveness and performance-critical functions faster. The combination of programs are delivered on the data management requirements important to realize service agility like: Superior combination of batch performance and real-time for data located in call control as well as back office applications; Intelligent caching; Providing support geographically for "fail over" and load balancing; full adherence to standard interfaces; Easy manageability and low maintenance requirements; and non-stop operations capable of achieving carrier-grade availability (Oracle Corporation, 2007).All PACS products (The Royal College of Radiologists, 2002) consist of database that can store information of patients, at the same time, cataloguing their imaging studies. Several PACS installations integrate and use a single relational Oracle databases to data storage. The user then, interacts instantly with the Oracle

Monday, September 9, 2019

Study of Service Quality Management at Hotel Casino Dissertation

Study of Service Quality Management at Hotel Casino - Dissertation Example Various models of service quality are observed for the criteria of quality assessment that identify the ways of improving the service such as through customer segmentation and targeting for customization of service and promotions, frontline employee and management training and motivation schemes, focusing on the servicescape or implementation of customer relationship management databases and systems that further help to adopt loyalty appreciation schemes. Service quality is of immense importance because high service quality leads to greater customer satisfaction, which in turn increases customer retention that helps to develop a sustainable competitive advantage in the fast growing competitive hotel casinos business. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the successful completion of this dissertation. Specially, I would like to thank Macau's Landmark Hotel's Casino's Manager, Ms. Choy Man Yee, Casino's Supervisor, and Ms. Choy Siu Wah for t heir cooperation, support and time to provide me with the relevant details needed to accomplish the task effectively. Also, I extend sincere thanks to my course instructor whose guidance helped me to make this dissertation meaningful. I apologize, in advance, for any errors or omissions on my part in the composition of this dissertation. ... Servicescape 34 9. Customer Information 36 10. Conclusions 38 11. Recommendations 39 12. Bibliography 40 13. Appendix 44 List of Figures Figure 1: Service Quality Components†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....8 Figure 2: The SERVQUAL Model in the Hospitality Industry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...12 Figure 3: Quality inconsistencies drawn from various literatures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 Figure 4: Service Gap Model†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT In the recent years gambling tourism has been the greatest revenue generator for Macau contributing up to more than 50% of its revenue. With the boom in the gaming industry and advent of internationa l casinos in Macau particularly from Las Vegas and Australia, Macau has beaten Las Vegas in terms of revenue generation from the gaming business since 2007. Providing quality service to these customers to beat one’s competitors, in order to achieve customer loyalty has now become the major concern and a topic of hot debate for every casino’s management. The major customers for Macau’s casino businesses are from China and Hong Kong along with other international tourists. With the high rising competition among the casinos, keeping up sustainable profits and revenue, along with a reasonable market share has become a major challenge for the casino management. The only way this seems possible is by shifting from a customer attraction strategy to a more viable, profitable and easier, customer retention strategy. Customer retention i.e. holding on to loyal customers to maintain an influx of a sustainable revenue stream, is possible only by providing quality service th at beats the service offered by the competitors

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Describe a situation where you saw an opportunity to affect change Essay

Describe a situation where you saw an opportunity to affect change. Explain the change, your stategy, and the final outcome of t - Essay Example Sometimes, persons like me who are students and have to manage within small budget feel really bad if they are not able to contribute to the cause. So I wrote to the head of the supermarket regarding the issue. I was advised to raise the issue through a petition where signatures of people are required to make significant change. I started the petition with few of my friends and collected signatures from people who believed in our cause. Though my petition failed to get the requisite number of signatures, it taught me very important lesson in collective work and significance of people’s voice. The collective voice of people is a powerful factor that can force organizations to change their strategies. Organizations like YBWS that work towards socially relevant issues and community development can greatly facilitate in implementing changes within society. As a member, I can contribute through my personal experience and professional expertise. I believe that my deep understanding of human psychology and leadership initiatives would provide the organization with new perspectives to change and greater organizational skill. (words: 281)

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Scienece Column Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Scienece Column - Article Example This is all about thermodynamics. In essence, thermodynamics involves the examination of the internal motions of various body mechanisms; or rather it’s a subfield of natural science that involves heat and its relationship to various forms of energy and work. Therefore, heat becomes an integral and essential component of thermodynamics. Virtually, most of the substances that people encounter with in their day to day life consist of body systems of one kind or the other, that is, they either fall under solids, liquids, gases or even light. It is therefore, unsurprising that thermodynamics is a field in physics that comprises exceptional wide variety of applicability. There are numerous thermodynamic experiments used to demonstrate the movement of energy from one substance to another as a result of varying of temperature. This column shall study two of the four forms of thermodynamic experiments discussed in the past few weeks. One of the study experiment that this column shall detail on is 'the meaning of heat and this shall be illustrated using the calorimeter experiment. The second form of thermodynamic experiment to be studied is the Statistical physics lab and this will be based on the concept of thermal energy of randomly moving molecules with heat used as the mode of transfer. Meaning of heat Heat is defined as a form of energy, sometimes referred as thermal energy capable of passing through an object of high temperature to an object with low temperature. The flow of heat is essentially measured using a device known as calorimeter. This device operates in such a way that it is insulated to minimize the loss of heat to the surrounding. Within some essential temperature variance, it is easy to understand the hotness or coldness of something by simply touching it. However, it is unreliable if you place one of your hands in cold water, and the other into hot water, then you plunge both into warm water. You will note the difference, one hand will detect that the water is hot, while the other will experience some cold. In other aspects, when something is too hot to hold or even touch, we usually get an impression of how hot the substance is by approaching it and detecting the radiant heat it emits. if there is an increase in temperature, the substance glows hot. The major problem with such subjective feelings of heat is that, they are different for various persons. If two hands transmit different messages pertaining the hotness or coldness of a substance, how about a group of people? Obviously, they will report varied responses. In illustrating the flow of heat, an experiment was set up, whereby a pan of water was placed on a hot glowing fire and the temperature observed over time. It was noted that, their was steady increase in time, reflecting the transfer of heat from the fire, up to the moment the water started boiling, whereby the temperature remained constant for a long period. The steam emitted had same temperatures as the bo iling water. So, what actually happened to the heat transferred from the fire to the pan of water? It was found out that, heat was needed to change the form of water from the liquid to the gaseous form/steam. In-fact, a high amount of heat is required to change the state of water to steam form, approximately 540 calories per gram. This is far much

Friday, September 6, 2019

Lincoln and Johnson vs. the Radicals Essay Example for Free

Lincoln and Johnson vs. the Radicals Essay The Civil War, which lasted up until 1865, was the bloodiest battle that this Nation had ever faced. Making it even sadder was the fact that this Nation was divided, North against South, and brothers were killing brothers, fathers killing sons. It was indeed a tough time for President Lincoln who was sworn into office in 1861. He needed to end the war and figure out a way to bring peace and rebuild the Nation. In order to end the war he devised a plan to free all slaves in the eye’s of the government, and on the first day of the year in 1863 he announced his â€Å"Emancipation Proclamation,† declaring all slaves owned under the Confederacy to be now free men. The Confederacy was beginning to crumble; Southern cities were destroyed and the Southern economy was in ruins. Lincoln now focused his attention on the idea of Reconstruction, and reuniting those Southern States back into the Union. It would not be easy for Lincoln, however, as he faced far different ideas than his, proposed by the Radical Republicans, led by Pennsylvania Representative Thaddeus Stevens and Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner. Despite being the Republican nomination for President, Lincoln was far more conservative than those Republicans taking the majority of seats in Congress. In December of 1863, before the war had officially come to a close, Lincoln began to devise his Reconstruction plan, which at the time was considered to be very lenient by those of the Union. His plan was very compassionate toward white southerners, except for major leaders of the Confederacy. He needed those Confederate Army generals and high-ranking officers to take an oath of loyalty to the Union, and verbally accept the Nation’s abolition of slavery. Lincoln’s plan was to institute new state governments in the South, under control of those southerners who had not aided to Confederacy. Lincoln also had the idea of granting voting rights to those freed African Americans who were educated, owned land, or had participated in the fighting for the Union. Under Lincoln’s plan, three southern states (Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee) acknowledged the abolition of slavery, formed new Union-loyal governments, and were ready to be readmitted completely into the Union. The Radical Republicans were not pleased to the slightest with Lincoln’s plan. They demanded much harsher penalties for seceding the Union, and they refused to seat the representatives from those three states, reconstructed under Lincoln’s plan. Because they were so displeased with Lincoln’s leniency, they pushed what is known as the Wade-Davis bill through Congress in 1864. This bill instituted a temporary governor, from the North, to each of those 11 Confederate states. When the majority of men residing in those states had pledged their allegiance to the Union, the governor was to hold a â€Å"constitutional convention,† where only men who had never fought against the Union could elect delegates to represent them in Congress. Once this was accomplished, the new state governments had to acknowledge the total abolition of slavery, disenfranchise Confederate leaders, and pay off all of their war debts, mainly owed to England. After all of this, and only after all of this, could those southern states be readmitted into the Union. Dissatisfied with the Radicals bill, Lincoln overrode their authority with a â€Å"pocket veto.† As you would assume, the Radicals were utterly outraged with Lincoln’s actions, and demanded that Lincoln accept some of their ideas proposed by the Wade-Davis Bill. Unfortunately, we will never know how the President would have negotiated terms with those Radical Republicans. On the night of April 14th, 1865, Lincoln was shot from behind while watching a play with his wife, and died early the next morning. Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s vice President, became the Nations new President shortly after the assassination. Johnson, who was originally a democrat, was now faced with the issue of Reconstruction, and like Lincoln, took a more moderate approach. While Congress was out of session in the summer following his launch into Presidency, Johnson quickly began to â€Å"R estore† (as he like to call it) those southern states back into the Union. His plan was very much like the Wade-Davis Bill in which he instituted a temporary governor to those southern states and had the governor allow qualified voters to elect delegates to represent them in Congress. When Congress came back into session in December, they began almost immediately to refuse seats to those elected delegates. Even though Johnson’s intentions were very similar to their Wade-Davis Bill, those Radicals were angered by the fact that most southerners still wished for slavery even though they took an oath against it. Many Confederate generals being voted in as Representatives in Congress also angered the Radicals. So they shot Johnson’s plan down, plain and simple. The Radicals began to gain more and more power in Congress due to several factors. First, Black Codes began to arise in southern states which authorized sate officials to apprehend unemployed blacks for vagrancy, and hire them out to mostly plantation owners in order to pay off their vagranc y fines. This angered many northerners as is basically violated southern states oaths of African American freedom. This caused Congress to pass the first Civil Rights Act, which gave the federal government the right to intervene in state affairs if blacks were not given appropriate rights. Johnson vetoed this bill but was easily overridden by the all-powerful Radical Congress. Next, Congress devised the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. It stated that all people born or naturalized in United States territory are considered citizens, and penalties would arise for states that denied the right to vote to any male citizens. It also stated that former Confederate officials were prohibited from holding any state or federal position unless they were pardoned for their treasonous Civil War crimes by two-thirds of Congress. Any state that ratified this 14th Amendment would be readmitted into the Union. Tennessee was the only state to ratify and be readmitted right away. Finally, those ten states that were still outstanding from the Union were divided into five different â€Å"military districts.† A military commander was assigned to each district and was responsible for registering citizens to vote (black males, and those whites who had not bore arms against the Union). Voters had to elect government bodies who would write their new state constitution, and have it passed by Congress. And finally, after all that, the state had to ratify the 14th Amendment. All but Virginia, Texas and Mississippi had reunited with the Union by 1868 and finally by 1870 those last 3 states were reunited only after ratifying 15th Amendment in addition to the 14th one. Alas, the Union was rejoined, blacks now had their freedom and right to vote, and peace was beginning to take presence. When we look at the similarities proposed by Lincoln and Johnson, we see that both men were in favor of leniency for those southern states. Lincoln only felt it was necessary for Confederate leaders to take an oath of loyalty as opposed to the Congressional decision that Confederate leaders needed to be pardoned by two-thirds of Congress (Which would likely never happen as Radicals held so much power in Congress) in order to take part in state or federal legislature. It is clear that Johnson also opposed this idea, and leaned toward Lincoln’s plan, in the way he vetoed Congress vigorously. This similarity in ideas between Lincoln and Johnson is also a major difference between the presidents and Congress’s final decision. Unfortunately for Johnson (and Lincoln), and the rest of the moderate northerners, his veto was no match for Congress. A key similarity between the presidents and Congress though, was the issue of African American rights. The final Congressional plan involved a federal Civil Rights Act and two new Constitutional Amendments, in order to protect the rights of African Americans. Lincoln obviously believed in equality when he delivered his Emancipation Proclamation, and stated that educated, land-owning, or allied blacks should be given the right to vote. And based on Congresses final decision, I would say the majority of people from the south who were qualified to vote on the new state governors were probably African Americans. In conclusion, when comparing the presidential Reconstruction plans, with those actually put into play by Congress, the main difference falls within the idea of leniency vs. anger. The presidents wanted the whole ordeal over and the states rejoined, whereas the Radicals wanted revenge on the South for seceding. As to which ideas would have worked better? It is very hard to say. All that can be said is that eventually, the Radicals gained too much power in Congress for the presidents to handle, and ultimately an all-powerful republican Congress overruled their ideas. Bibliography( Brinkley, Alan. Reconstruction and the New South. The Unfinished Nation. 6th ed. Vol. 2. New York [u.a.: McGraw-Hill, 2000. 369-83. Print. 35b. Radical Reconstruction. Radical Reconstruction []. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. Time Line of The Civil War, 1865. Time Line of The Civil War. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013.